Welcome to the United States: A Guide for New Immigrants

Welcome to the United States: A Guide for New Immigrants

To become a citizen, you must be willing to: 
- Swear your loyalty to the United States; 
- Give up your allegiance to any other country; and 
-  Support and defend the United States and its Constitution. 

When you become a citizen, you accept all of the responsibilities of being an American. In retum, you get certain rights and privileges. Permanent residents have most of the rights of U.S. citizens, but there are many important reasons to consider becoming a U.S. citizen, such as: 

- Voting: Only citizens can vote in federal '   I I elections. In most states, only U.S. citizens are ~   allowed to vote in elections. 
-  Servìng on a Iury: Only U.S. citizens can serve I  on a federal jury. In most states, only U.S. ¿ " . - citizens are allowed to serve on a jury. Serving /\  ' on a jury is an important responsibility for U.S. Ã citizens. I 
-  Travelìng with a U.S. Passport: A U.S. passport enables U.S. citizens to get assistance from the ¿_ - U.S. govemment when overseas. if necessary. 
-  Bringing Family Members to the United States: Generally, U.S. citizens get priority when petitioning to bring family members permanently to this country. 
-  Obtaining Cìtizenship for Children Born Abroad: In most cases, a child bom abroad to a U.S. citizen is automatically a U.S. citízen.








Hello and welcome to today's lesson from essa today we're going to go over the USCIS form and which is the application for us naturalization for US citizenship this video is going to go over the general instructions for completing the form after which subsequent videos will go over the form step-by-step will go over each part very specifically there are there are parts to the application and the application is pages long ok so today we're going to do the general overview the general instructions now before beginning the application before beginning the form n you want to make sure that you're actually eligible for citizenship ok so there's a few a few general guidelines you are at least years old you should have been a permanent residence in the United States for at least five years or three years if you are married to a u.s. citizen you have to be married to living with a US citizen for at least three years you need to demonstrate continuous residence and physical presence in the US that means that you cannot you have to make sure that you're here for specific amount of time you can't leave the country for too long if you leave the country for six months to a year at a time you need to have special permission to come and go otherwise you break the continuous residence and the physical presence in the United States you should be able to read write and speak basic english there are exemptions to this and we'll go over that there are also exemptions to the permanent resident status if and other requirements if you have honorable service in the US military ok and we will go over all of that as well alright so let's see the full USCIS eligibility worksheet can be found on this link all the links will be down below ok and i also try to add tabs there for you as well but if you look here this is the naturalization eligibility worksheet and you can see it's a very it's very easy to follow worksheet it's you know you answer the question i am at least years old true not true true you move on i'm a permanent resident for and a issued a permanent resident card true not true you know so it's it's a very easy to follow worksheet to figure out if you are eligible right and i will have the link to that down below right the other link i will have is who is eligible for naturalization this is a little bit more specific and this goes into more of the requirements and again you can see here it's very if you are at least years old and have been a permanent resident for past five years and no special circumstances so you this goes into a little bit more of the special circumstances so if you have a question about because everybody is so different their situations are so different you want to make sure that you figure out if you are eligible because you do not want to send in an application and the money and then find out you know you weren't you weren't eligible for citizenship again this link will be down below ok citizenship for military personnel and family members the USCIS recognizes the importance sacrifices made by non-us citizen members of the US Armed Forces and their families so there are special of situations where you do not have to have permanent residency for such and such amount of time or you do not have to be you know if you're deployed for a certain amount of time you won't break the continuous residence things like that and there is a specific link that talks about all of if you are in the military let me see there is this page citizenship for military personnel and family members ok so that would be another important link if that is your situation again that will be down below alright so i will have many links down below you can see the exemptions and accommodations that frequently asked questions the full us guide to naturalization all kinds of stuff will be in the links listed below ok alright so the first thing you want to do I was second thing you want to do once you figure out if you are definitely eligible you want to make sure that you are using the correct version of the form and the correct version is available on USCIS dot gov it is free of charge you do not have to pay for an application okay make sure that a lot of scams out there that people say they'll help you and they ask for money for everything this is all free stuff you should not have to pay except for the feet when you send in your application ok the new application is pages if you have an old application specifically before then that is no longer valid that's the old page application this new application is pages long it has additional questions specifically about terrorism and it also has a d barcode technology ok especially if you do your answers online ok so when you get the application let's see the application looks like this here is the application for naturalization you can see right here USCIS form and okay after this after our general instructional video we're going to go through this whole forum step by step we are going to go over part part ok part part and you can see it is pages long make sure on the bottom it says pages so you have the correct form that is exactly what it looks like today right let's go back here you want to type or print clearly using black ink ok if extra space is needed to answer any questions specifically if it talks about where we lived in the past five years where you worked where have you have you left the united states in the past five years if you have more answers then allows on that page then you need to attach additional sheets of paper do not write in the margins or try to squeeze it in attach additional sheets of paper and then on each additional sheet of paper you need to write your alien registration number you're a number the date the application part an item that you're referring to on the additional sheet and also sign it's your signature on each additional sheet please make sure you do that and then put all the sheets together with the application ok it's much easier to go ahead and type right on the computer it's easier for them to read if you can't and you have a printout that's fine just make sure that you print very clearly it's it's helpful also if you use all capital letters of people find that easier to read and answer all questions very important don't leave anything blank if there is something that you know is not applicable just right and a it unless it says you can leave it blank otherwise just right and a truck do not leave anything blank answer all the questions and avoid highlighting crossing out for writing outside the area for a response ok again very important if you have to make a lot of Corrections if you're writing this out using a black pen then you use that it would be best to start over if you have to if you figure out you have to cross stuff out and and rewrite stuff and the reason is because all these scanners all this new technology the scanners could sometimes get mixed up if there's a lot of correction tape if there's a that you know whiteout fluid the scanners don't pick up that they don't read it well and then read sometimes what's underneath it you do not want to have incorrect information going through because it could delay your application or could downright reject your application and you don't want to do that and also you don't want to lose the money you send in so just go ahead and print off another you know pages and and start over or just the page that you messed up on okay all right you're going to provide your a number which is your alien registration number on the top right hand corner of each page hey it's located on your permanent resident card and if you look here let's see your your permanent resident card is formerly known as the alien registration card or your green card and you look here if your permanent resident card looks like here you can see you're a number and the date you became a pert permanent resident that is going to be important so these two numbers they are going to be very important so your card should look something like one of these depending on when you received it okay if you're and you want to have your your alien registration number consists of seven to nine numbers all together and it has fewer than nine numbers you want to put zeros in front of those numbers so for example if you want to make it a total basically you want to make it a total of nine numbers don't leave the blanks at the end so you put zeros in the beginning to make it nine numbers long so for example here right number a as so that's only seven numbers you want to write okay or if it's a one two three four five six seven eight you want to write a ok so make sure that area has nine numbers and if we go back here real quick all right you can see right here enter your nine-digit a number they is already there for you your nine-digit a number it is on every page and put that on every page now if you are doing it on the computer the computer will automatically fill that in for you on each page ok let's go back your application must be properly completed and signed a photocopy of the application is acceptable as long as it bears a handwritten signature right you can't stamp type right you don't want it you know if you're using the computer don't type your name you gotta print it out and sign it before you send it in right otherwise they will not be accepted make sure that it is signed your application must be accompanied by the appropriate filing fee appropriate filing fee and as of march first marched first i will update this if it changes but as of two day march first the current filing fees are as such the thought that be for filing your application is dollars and the biometric services is $ so you or got you are going to pay a fee with a check or money order drawn on the US bank payable to the Department of Homeland Security do not use initials do not use DHS department of homeland security for six hundred eighty dollars six hundred eighty dollars to the Department of Homeland Security as a march first above all do not send cash do not send cash ok there is a way you can use a credit card and there's no additional fee the you can its that's another form and it's the g and that's on USCIS dot gov website i will put a link to that down below I didn't think about that but i'll put a link to that as well down below ok for using a credit card otherwise a check or money order is best right if you are applying for naturalization based on armed forces in the United States then there's no filing fee or biometric services fee if you are over years old then you don't have a biometric services be either for the fingerprinting with your application hi so there are like I said they're little except exceptions especially for military and all right there is the fee waiver guidance the fee waiver guidance is basically it's a another form the I - you may file for a fee waiver based on inability to pay ok you have to use the the request for a fee waiver form i- and or you can you can write a written request is also acceptable to be very honest with you is very hard to get one of these waivers right and don't send the fee waiver request by itself you have to send it with your full form n form application right to be eligible for the fee waiver you have to qualify for means-tested benefits your household income is at or below one hundred fifty percent poverty level at the time you file and you can see the poverty guidelines for the fee waiver requests also if you're experiencing a financial hardship that prevents you from paying the filing fee including unexpected medical bills or emergencies you can go ahead and request the waiver and explain the situation right ok let's go back here for a sec and i will show you here the fee waiver guidance will give you the instructions for filling out you look down here instructions for form i- request for fee waiver ok and you could get the form and fill that out or you again you can send in a hand written explanation about about doing so it's always better to do kind of the you know the the computerized version to be honest with you it's easier for people to read if you can do that all right I want to ok so the d barcode technology if you are completing the form on a computer the data you enter will be captured using d barcode technology and it will ensure that the debt the data you provide is actually entered into the USCIS system and then as you complete each data field the d barcode line will shift as the data is captured blah blah blah blah technology right anyway the bottom line is be very careful not to mess that barcode up ok so don't fold it don't staple it don't puncture it don't write on the bar code because that'll just mess everything up and and take more time to process your form you want to make sure your form is nice and neat and clean and clear so there's no mix-ups right okay so okay oh so early filing remember how we said that you need to be a permanent resident for at least five years or three years if you're married to a u.s. citizen you can actually file days before you can you complete that permanent residence requirements ok if you are permanent resident for five years you can fill out file the application at four years years months Caillou I'm sorry was it four years months blah and so you can file a little bit early all right because when by the time they get it and process it that three months will be over and you will you know be up to that five years or that three-year mark so you can file a little early all right and so to determine your day early filing date begin by identifying your five year three year date as permanent residence ok if your permanent resident card says July th you meet that five-year permanent resident mark on july th right but as long as you're eligible and you have and you're definitely eligible for citizenship you can file your end four hundred ninety days before july th ok so then the earliest state you can apply would be april fifth okay that is a little bit like three months or so before you want to make sure that you don't file sooner than that date though ok have to be very careful about that early filing date because if you filed to early even by a day or two days they might throw out your application and you have to start all over and block so you want to be careful with that and to make it easy they actually have this USCIS early fought for filing but can't calculator ok so they have this information for the early filing calculator and you can actually click there but and it comes up with look at that date calculator you type in your anniversary date and then it will the earliest accepted filing date okay all right the calculator will help you verify that you file your form and with USCIS no more than days prior to your permanent resident anniversary date USCIS will deny your form and if you file your form be more than days prior to your anniversary date and you also might lose your money so be very careful of that early filing date ok days and not a day sooner all right evidence you must submit all required initial evidence along with all the supporting documentation with your application at the time of file link otherwise they will you know hold your application and say you need to submit more and it just goes on and on so make sure that when you send in your application you send in your filing fees in your biometric piece and you also send in all the documentation that you need ok and again everyone situation is different you might have to send in tax reports unit might have to send in your Widow you might have you will have to send in the death certificate if you have a divorce you have to send in the divorce certificate things like that ok you can find oops close this the document checklist again the link will be down below but here is a very specific document checklist so it says right here all applicants all applicants must send in the following three items which is the photocopy of both sides of your permanent resident card you need two identical color photographs with your name and alien registration number written in pencil on the back you need to chip send in the check or money order for the application in the biometrics to be all right but then there's other that's for everybody then there are other things that you can send in like sin copies of the following documents unless we ask for an original and can send in copies remember because the copies you might not get back so these are our different if your current legal name is different from the name on your permanent resident card you have to send in the document that says you you know legally changed your name you need to send in your you need to send in evidence that your spouse has been a US citizen if you're doing the the spouse three-year thing you need to send in the current marriage certificate proof of termination of all other marriages your divorce certificates things like that that are specific to each person so you're going to want to make sure you go through this document checklist to make sure you go you actually send in all the proper documents okay some people don't have to send hardly anything in okay you just send these three things in and you're done but other people have to send in a lot more documents okay just make sure that you send in what you need ok that is evidence hey the biometric services appointment after you file your application the USCIS will schedule your biometric services appointment which is your fingerprinting ok they will send you a four on an appointment notice that's form I see notice of action and will include the date the time and the location for your appointment ok you make sure you attend that appointment because failure to attend the appointment may result in denial of your application the fingerprinting will allow us see is to confirm your identity and then run the background checks and security checks on you so you make sure that you attend that appointment if you can't attend that appointment you will have to contact you is you SC is immediately to let them know to try to get a new appointment ok when you go to the appointment bring your appointment notice and a valid photo identification hey copies unless it is specifically required that you give them an original document copies are fine one because you might not get the copy back you might not get the original document back just make sure your copy is legible guy like a clear nice copy alright translations any documents submitted to USCIS with information in a foreign language must be accompanied by a full english language translation and the translator must certify that the english-language translation translation is complete and accurate and that he or she is competent to translate from the foreign language into English ok so make sure if you are sending documents in death notices divorce notices anything that may have maybe in your first language have those translated okay before you send them in all right so basically that's the overview of the love of the n application submitting them four hundred application and going through how to fill it out and what's going to happen the next videos the next few videos we'll go through the n application form step by step we'll go through each part all parts will answer specific questions right so if you are interested if you are already not subscribed to this channel please subscribe below and then you can receive the newest videos as they come out so thank you very much and good luck to all of you
